IDS West was a smashing success with rave reviews from Montauk fans, Industry Movers and Shakers and Media Mavens. Here is our photo gallery of the Montauk Sofa’s larger than life booth. The tableau vivant is by Adad Hannah an internationally renowned artist and native New Yorker who now has gone bi-coastal (Montreal/Vancouver). Adad is represented by Equinox Gallery in Vancouver and Pierre-Francois Ouellette art contemporain, Montreal. “After a Gentle Storm” was produced in 2012 with the assistance of the San Antonio Museum of Art.
All photos by Lauren Foot

Danny Chartier, head designer at Montauk Sofa laid back on the Charlotte sofa. Photo of Danny by Roger Chen

Black and white herringbone carpet by Aerin Lauder, distributed by Montauk Sofa comes in an array of colors to fit your uber style preference.