The Magnificent Obsession of Henrik Lange
When furniture manufacturer Henrik Lange was six years old, his great-great grandmother died and left him 500 kroner (about $90). Not yet in elementary school, the Danish boy was precise about how he wanted to spend the money: on a Kevi desk chair by Fritz Hansen. His fashion designer mother could not argue, as it was she who had filled their home with classic Danish modern furniture. Though no one knew it then, in that moment, Lange’s career was launched, not to mention his passion for collecting. Fast forward some 25 years. With a master’s degree in economics, Lange was ...

In Search of Excellence
Montauk Sofa has the distinction of being among a select group of companies who have partnered with Lange Productions to distribute the iconic line of Fabricus and Katsholm Danish furniture in North America. Henrik Lange noted ” I am honored to work with Montauk Sofa, we prefer to establish relationships with companies that understand our furniture and share our passion for design on a personal level. I especially respect the dedication and ambition of Tim Zyto and Danny Chartier and appreciate their energy and good humor. ” Henrik went onto say how much Canadians and Danes had in common including ...

The Great Danes
Fabricius & Kastholm by Lange Production If one examines the grand period of Danish furniture design in the 1950’s and 1960’s, a number of prominent personalities automatically appear on one’s inner search engine: Klint, Wegner, Juhl, Mogensen, Jacobsen and Kjærholm. This is the widely recognized list of masters, on whom everything from this period is focused thus the automatic response however the picture is much more subtle. This period also included designers, who in many cases were equal to the celebrities and in some cases more explorative in form language and materials. Among these one can find furniture designers Preben ...

DaDe at Montauk
DaDe ART & DESIGN LAB curates lifestyle, providing innovative and exclusive products and services that enhance living spaces. with a distinctive product mix and presentation philosophy DaDe offers a complete product range for modern living. [hush] is the very first of DaDe FACTORY partnered arts events, referencing the name of Andy Warhol’s New York studio, which was also famed for its groundbreaking parties. the exhibit opened on october 19, and ran for three consecutive weeks, closing on november 11, 2012. The main inspiration behind DaDe FACTORY events is to open a conversation about brand cooperation rather than competition. similar values ...

The Misfits
The Misfits is Montauk’s official Sale site for overstock and orphaned Montauk sofas. A selection of sofas, sleepers, sectionals, chairs, loveseats, ottomans and curated art objects and accessories will be available on line. We are delighted to give our customers the opportunity to purchase signature Montauk furniture at a reduced purchase price. Items will range from floor models, overstock, minor flaws (a little character) and due to circumstance beyond our control the occasional canceled order. The Misfits can be accessed directly from the link on the Let’s Tauk section of our website montauksofa.com or through the Montauk blog letstauk.com ...

Montauk en thérapie
Le numéro d’octobre 2012 du ELLE Québec présente la rentrée culturel en duos. Les paires sont quasi toutes d’un naturel né mais parfois ils nous surprennent par leur juxtaposition peu probable. C’est le cas du comédien François Papineau et de l’écrivaine Nadine Bismuth. Les deux ont travaillé de près sur la télésérie En Thérapie. Nadine aux textes et François dans le rôle du thérapeute. Par contre les deux ne se sont que rarement croisés lors du processus. Je voulais démontrer cette liaison à la fois proche et distancée qui les unis. Le choix était évident, le sofa tout capitonné de ...

Tauk to me
An experienced and educated interior architect and designer, Tania Kratt has been helping design and improve home and business interiors since 1995. Along with designing projects in the U.S., Canada and Europe, she was also the acting co-designer of Montauk showrooms in Canada and U.S. from 1997-2006, and acting Online Design Editor for Canadian House & Home magazine for 7 years. To submit any design related queries click on Design Q&A in the Let’s Tauk menu bar to access our submission form or email us at designer@letstauk.com and Tania will respond as soon as possible, hopefully resolving any ...